San Antonio Sleep Apnea
Loud snoring can prevent you or a loved one from getting a good night’s rest. But it also can be a sign of sleep apnea. Exactly what is sleep apnea? What are the signs, symptoms, and dangers? And how can it be treated?
What Is Sleep Apnea?
Apnea is derived from Greek, and it means “without breath.” The disorder briefly and repeatedly interrupts your breathing while you sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of the disorder.
Obstructive sleep apnea results from an obstructed airway. As your muscles relax while you’re asleep, your tongue falls against the soft palate, which falls against the back of your throat and blocks your airway. Low blood oxygen levels result and can contribute to a variety of medical conditions.
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
There are many signs and symptoms of sleep apnea. If you have some of them, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have sleep apnea. But you should schedule an appointment with your physician for an exam, sleep study, and accurate diagnosis.
Signs and Symptoms
- Awakening from sleep in the morning and feeling exhausted
- Breathing cessation, which someone else might notice
- Difficulty sleeping
- Dry or sore throat
- Excessive weight gain
- Extreme sleepiness during the day, which may include falling asleep at work, while driving, or during other activities
- Fatigue
- Gasping or choking during sleep
- Loud snoring
If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to the following conditions:
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Mood disorders, including depression or irritability
- Memory or concentration problems
- High blood pressure
- Stroke

The Herbst oral appliance relieves obstructive sleep apnea
At My Smile Artist, our dentists work with your physician for treatment of sleep apnea. Dr. Imam provides The Herbst®, a custom oral appliance that will position your jaw forward and open your airway while you sleep. You’ll be able to sleep without loud snoring, interrupted breathing, or gasping for air.
What can you expect from the oral appliance?
The Herbst is comfortable, convenient, and reliable.
Comfortable – We will take digital impressions of your mouth to make a custom oral appliance that fits well. The Herbst is flexible to help you sleep well.
Convenient – You can adjust the appliance so it positions your jaw for maximum comfort and relief.
Reliable – If you wear the appliance while you sleep, you’ll get relief. The position of your jaw will prevent airway blockage. You’ll be able to get a good night’s rest.
If You Think It’s Sleep Apnea
Are you or a loved one experiencing symptoms that you think might be related to sleep apnea? Schedule an appointment with your physician for an exam. If you are diagnosed with the disorder and your treatment includes an oral appliance, Dr. Imam will be happy to fill the prescription and help you get relief.
Call us to schedule an appointment, or complete our Request an Appointment form.