I am at my wits end and about to cry. I paid to have four porcelain veneers done— two on either side of my front teeth. When the canine teeth came in they were too bulky. He tried to slim one down, but that ended up creating a dark spot. He did agree to replace that one, but I still have canine teeth which stick out too far. Additionally, I only saw them in natural light. When I got home to artificial light, they look gray and very different from my front teeth. My dentist said there’s nothing he can do about it. I’m devastated. Am I being too picky? Is there anything which can be done about it?
Dear Elaine,

When you pay a cosmetic dentist for a beautiful smile, you don’t want one you’re ashamed of sharing.
I am going to start off by saying you are definitely NOT being too picky. You paid money to get a beautiful smile and that is what you should receive. In all honesty, I think your dentist is in over his head. In fact, I’m positive. Cosmetic Dentistry isn’t taught in dental school. A dentist has to take the time to learn the craft and artistry involved.
Your canine teeth were too thick, so he tries grounding them down a bit. Then he ends up creating a dark spot. He seems to be learning as he goes along. Yes, he’s going to replace the porcelain veneer he damaged, but what is he going to about how bulky they are? Did he mention anything about that?
With regard to the teeth looking different colors in different lights, this is known as color metamerism. An expert cosmetic dentist understands this and would have been sure to let you look at them in different lights so you could get a true picture of your smile before approving them.
In regard to him saying he can’t do anything about that, he absolutely can. He can re-do it. However, in your case, I think you shouldn’t trust him. Instead, you should ask for a refund. Once that is secure, you can go to a true cosmetic dentist to do your smile.
Finding an Expert Cosmetic Dentist
Before allowing another dentist near your smile, I’d like you to look at their smile gallery. See what type of results they get with porcelain veneer cases they’ve done. If you are not blown away by how stunning the results are, then find another dentist.
I’d take two other quick steps though. Call their office to make sure the images in their smile gallery are actual cases the dentist has done and not stock photos.
The final step will be to check his reviews. You want to see what experience other patients have had with him or her. Is he easy to work with? Does he listen to his patient’s desires about their smile?
This blog is brought to you by San Antonio Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Imam.