I got my new dentures last August, and since then, they have been lose four or five times. They are not old enough to be that loose. This was a major concern when I learned that I needed all my teeth extracted for dentures. The dentures are loose so often that my dentist recommends coming in every two months for relining. It doesn’t make sense to me. Isn’t it better to find out why my dentures are so loose? – Thank you. Melvin from OK
Your dentist must take time to examine your denture, take measurements of your mouth and decide if your dentures need to be remade.
Although you didn’t mention how many years you have been wearing dentures, generally many years of missing teeth, your jawbone begins to shrink. But if you’ve only recently started wearing dentures, it is unlikely that your jawbone has shrunk enough for repeatedly loose dentures. An inferior denture base is one cause of prematurely loose dentures.
How Often Must You Reline Your Denture?

Implant overdentures resolve loose dentures
Generally, a dentist will reline your denture every year or two. But relining it every two months is excessive and a sign of a serious issue. And relining your dentures is a temporary solution. But since your dentures are new, you can ask your dentist if he can change the denture base to accommodate dental implants. An implant dentist or oral surgeon can place two to six screw-shaped implants in your bone.
After a healing period, your dentist will attach each denture to implants. Implants will stimulate your bone and prevent further shrinkage. And you won’t have to worry about loose dentures that require relining.
If your dentist is hesitant about exploring dental implants for you, find a skilled implant dentist in your area and schedule a consultation.
Dr. Mohamed Imam of San Antonio sponsors this post.