After wearing dentures for ten years, I have decided to get implants. My family has longevity, and at 62 years old, I might live another 20 to 30 years. When my dentures are off, I can see that I have some bone loss. If I want four implants for dentures, how do I know if I will need bone grafting? – Thank you. Dylan from Indianapolis
Thank you for your question. You are wise to consider implant overdentures. Dental implants will make it easier to wear dentures. And implants will stimulate your jawbone and prevent further shrinkage.
How Do You Know If You Need Bone Grafting?
A dentist will know if you need bone grafting by examining your mouth and taking x-rays and a 3-D CT scan. The scan will measure your bone volume and help an implant dentist or oral surgeon determine if you have enough bone volume to support implants or if you need grafting.
Read the article, Adjunctive Procedures for Dental Implants, published by the Academy of Osseointegration, for details on when you might need bone grafting and types of grafting procedures. Osseointegration is the process of dental implants fusing with your jawbone.
Are You a Good Candidate for Bone Grafting?
You might be a good candidate for bone grafting if you meet these criteria:
- Good oral health
- Good overall health
- Non-smoker
After bone grafting, you can expect three to four months of healing before your implant overdenture will be complete. Meanwhile, you can wear a temporary denture.
How to Find a Dentist for Implant Overdentures and Grafting

Snap-on implant overdenture
You can find a dentist for implant overdentures and grafting by looking for dentists with post-graduate training in implant dentistry and professional membership with dental implant organizations. The International Congress of Oral Implantologist, the Academy of Osseointegration, and the International Academy of Implant Dentistry offer dental implant education to dentists.
Dr. Mohamed Imam of San Antonio sponsors this post.