When I went to the dentist three months ago, I had the all-clear. Since then, I’ve developed a toothache. I’ve had a lot of weird things happening to my body during my pregnancy. I’ve been told that toothaches are part of that. However, I don’t want to ignore something which could be a dental emergency. Are toothaches just part and parcel with pregnancy?
Dear Madeline,

Taking care of your oral health during pregnancy helps you and your baby.
Pregnancy is full of joy. You get to hear your baby’s heartbeat. You get to feel your baby wiggle. It’s also full of challenges. Some of those challenges can mimic a toothache. Let’s go over some of that.
Hormonal Changes and Dental Issues
With those hormonal changes, your gums can become inflamed and harbor bacteria. This may account for the higher than normal incidents of gum disease in pregnant women.
When this goes unchecked, it can spread and cause problems with your teeth, including tooth loss. Before you panic, I don’t think this is your problem. First, your pain is originating in your tooth. You mentioned nothing about your gums. For it to have spread to your tooth, it would have to be fairly advanced. This leads me to the second reason. You just had a checkup. Your dentist would have to be completely incompetent to not recognize such advanced gum disease.
Pregnancy brings with it an increase of mucus production along with swelling of the nasal cavities. Many women don’t have any real side effects from this. However, you may be among the women who have low lying sinus cavities and long tooth roots. Any swelling will then radiate pain making you think you have a toothache.
Fortunately, this theory can be tested by taking a pregnancy safe allergy medication or decongestant.
Don’t Ignore a Toothache
While there could be any number of innocent things explaining the ache you are feeling it is never wise to ignore pain in a tooth. Better to have it checked out and it end up being nothing, than to end up with an infected tooth which doesn’t get the proper treatment, especially if it ends up as a dental emergency.
If you do wind up getting some decay during pregnancy, make sure your dentist only places a mercury-free filling.
This blog is brought to you by San Antonio Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Imam.