I asked my dentist to do porcelain veneers for me. I have one gum which is a little lower than on the other front tooth. In addition, the teeth are stained and short. Two are also chipped. I told him exactly what I wanted. When he did what he called provisionals I wasn’t thrilled. I was hoping they’d reshape the teeth a little more. He told me they’re beautiful and that is as good as it gets. That surprised me because I’ve seen before and after pictures of other porcelain veneers and they seemed to do a lot more. Are those faked?
Dear Catherine,

No, the photos aren’t likely to be faked which you saw. Porcelain veneers can completely re-shape a smile. The problem is more with your dentist. There are a few things going on here.
The first obvious problem I see is he didn’t take care of the gum re-shaping before starting on your porcelain veneers. This shows a profound lack of understanding about cosmetic work.
In addition to that, he didn’t listen to your concerns about the looks of the makeover. A true cosmetic dentist would never say, “This is as good as it gets.” They would keep working until you were absolutely thrilled.
What Can Porcelain Veneers Do?
You picked the right solution. In reality, porcelain veneers can simultaneously change the shape, size, and color of your teeth. Unfortunately, because your dentist didn’t know what he was doing, you will need to have these completely redone.
Ask him for a refund. He didn’t follow your express wishes for the procedure so you should be able to at least get a partial refund.
Then look for a more artistic cosmetic dentist. After doing an internet search for cosmetic dentists in your area, be certain to check both their smile galleries and their reviews. You want to see what kind of results they get before you invest in them.
One last bit. You don’t have to veneer the bottom teeth. Most patients will do teeth whitening on the bottom arch and then just do veneers on the top arch on your visible teeth.
I hope this helps. With the right dentist you’ll be thrilled with your gorgeous new smile.
This blog is brought to you by San Antonio Dentist Dr. Imam.