Is it normal for a dental implant to be loose in less than two years? I paid quite a bit of money for this and was told it would last for many years. If it is loose already, will I have to pay to have it re-done or will the dentist cover that?
Dear Corri,

First, there are many things that could be the issue here besides your dental implant failing. Dental implants generally have a very high success rate when done by a skilled implant dentist and should last around 20 years. The first step is calling your dentist to get in and see what the actual issue is. Many dentists would consider this an emergency dental appointment and fit you in that very day.
There are three possibilities for what is actually loose.
The Dental Implant Crown
The easiest fix is if the crown used for your dental implant is loose. This could just be a matter of the bonding coming loose. In that case, your dentist can simply re-bond it. There shouldn’t be a charge for that. If there is, it would be minimal.
The Dental Implant Anchor
There is a type of anchor, called an abutment, which connects the crown to the implant. It could be a faulty part or some other issue, but again, this would be another simple fix.
The Dental Implant Fixture
The more challenging issue is if the dental implant itself is loose. This is more serious and can lead to dental implant failure. One thing the dentist will check for is any signs of infection.
If that is the problem, he or she will provide antibiotics and hopefully that can save the implant.
Other times, the implant just isn’t integrating with your body. You and the dentist can do everything right and still your body rejects it. This isn’t either of your faults and doesn’t happen often.
Most experienced implant dentists have a 98% success rate or above. Whatever the problem. The key is early intervention.
This blog is brought to you by San Antonio Dentist Dr. Imam.