I think President Trump has porcelain veneers, but my husband thinks his tan is what makes them look so white. I don’t care how tanned you are, that can’t be a natural white color. Which of us is right? Loser washes dishes for a week…so feel free to lie and say I’m right either way. Haha. I’m all for fake news in this case.
Dear Brenda,
The Trumpster sure knows how to become a household name, doesn’t he? While a tan can make teeth appear whiter, there’s no way a tan will make his teeth that white.
Though, that alone doesn’t necessarily mean he’s had porcelain veneers made. Teeth whitening can certainly obtain that level of whiteness. Dark skin and bright red lipstick also make teeth look whiter. Let’s just hope we never see the Donald in red lipstick.
There aren’t many early Photos of Donald Trump when he was smiling. Below, you’ll see a grainy one which demonstrates pretty clearly he’s had some type of work done. In this case, it is porcelain veneers.

In the 1986 photo, you can see there are some gaps on the upper left teeth as well as unevenness on both top and bottom teeth. All of that is repaired now.
While I’ll say you’ve clearly won the bet, if your husband needs proof, here is a post on the mynewsmile.com website where Dr. David Hall tells the story of how Trump got his porcelain veneers from Dr. Larry Rosenthal.
Tell your husband it is time for him to get out his cleaning gloves and get to work.
An Important Sidenote on Porcelain Veneers
While cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening can be done by any dentist, porcelain veneers require an artist with technical skill as well. If you’re ever considering a smile makeover, you’ll want a dentist who knows what they’re doing.
Always check out their smile gallery to make sure they create beautiful smiles. If you don’t like what you see there, move on to someone else. Their smile gallery should be a brag book and some of their best work.
This blog is brought to you by San Antonio Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Imam.